Why a business plan is necessary for every small and medium-sized enterprise?

The creation of a business plan has now become imperative today to ensure the maximum possible viability of the start-up, and existing businesses.

Years of research surveys   found out that the two main causes of failure of the businesses are:

  • the lack of goal and direction, in simple terms the business plan.
  • The lack of business organization and philosophy.

A good business plan, presented, with attractive cover, up to 40 pages and printed, is addressed to bankers and investors. The small businesspersons make the BP for themselves. It can be on a page, handwriting, tablet, laptop, in pictures etc. As long as you know what you want to do and you have your BP available at any time, it is more than enough.

The consultant will help you to see the basic parameters of your business. To identify your gaps in the whole flow of the proper functionality of your business and to design a basic skeleton of your operational strategy. The rest depends on you!!!!  A business plan usually is addressed to the following stakeholders:

  • shareholders,
  • managers,
  • prospective investors,
  • funders and banks
  • it is a key tool for making investment decisions, either in the whole business or in a specific project or sector.
  • it is the key tool in re-engineering  your organization, its philosophy on your staff and your external collaborators (suppliers).

A BP, especially in times of crisis, it is necessary for the purpose of restructuring existing or securing new business loans from financial institutions as well as funding opportunities from national or European funds.

What does the business plan include?

A well-designed business plan should define and guide the activities of the entire business. It should inform the strategic decisions of the relevant partners, providing important information on the direction of business movements, such as prospects, initial, fixed and operational costs, and comparative valuation of investment actions. Finally, it should answer the questions posed by each of the parties concerned:

  • What is the vision/mission/objectives (commercial/operational) of the company?
  • What is the market that I am entering?
  • What is the product/service I want to sell?
  • What is the business model, what’s the risk I’m taking?
  • What is the amount of the investment necessary?
  • How fast do I get my money back?
  • What will I yield in my capital?
  • The business idea, how can be viable?
  • What market needs should I cover?
  • Why would the consumer choose me and not my competitors?
  • What kind of company is it in my interest to establish?

Your business plan is not static. It should be reviewed at least every 3-6 months and be tailored to the market and the needs of your customers. In-depth surveys have shown that, companies with operational plans have presented up to 50% increase on their turnover, up to 30% less operating costs and a noticeable increase on their profits, since the BP contributes to the definition of specific Commercial and Operational objectives, specific implementation of Administrative Policies of the organisation in practical and predetermined timetables.

Why us?

The experienced executives of our office, are undertaking the elaboration of a business plan, they enter the position of each involved and raise in advance the questions awaiting the answer of each shareholder or prospective investor. In this context, data from the company and its competitive environment are analyzed, the market trends are evaluated and the company’s business strategy and objectives are developed, reaching to a comprehensive and tangible Business plan for the potential customer.

For writing and creating your business plan we have:

  • 20 + years of experience in the field of creation and writing business Plans
  • 4 + specialized and experienced professional partners having direct involvement in various Markets.
  • 4 + sophisticated software for ideas’ analysis (mind maps), strategy and decision making, operational strategy analysis and the creation of financial projections, based on statistical reports and similar financial data of your case.
  • 70 + Business plans have been made until now and are able to give you the right guidelines for framing a clear cruising path of your business.

Our Charges

Our charges for creating a business plan are based on 3 pillars

Α/Α Procedure Charges Deliverables
1 First Contact

1.      Create a new business

2.      Analysis of an existing business or problem

Free of Charge

·       Includes, visit to your business, or our office. Collection of key information and discussions with you.

Proposed Offer


For the range of services necessary to be delivered to the customer

2 Create a new business (Legal or physical entity)- ΝΕ Package ΝΕ-Α

From €550 +

·       It includes a collection of detailed information about your proposed business idea, feasibility processing.

Package ΝΕ-Β

From €1330 +

·       It includes a collection of detailed information about your proposed business idea, full use of analytical tools and market data and competitor’s statistics. Economic projections and design of business strategies where needed.


Documents of 10-15 pages printed in 2 copies and in electronic format comprising the basic economic viability analysis and whether the idea is viable or not, profitability, and liquidity analysis. (Where appropriate)


Documents of 25-40 pages printed in 2 copies and in electronic format including, full analysis in all business parameters. Idea description, startup costs, market and competition analysis, sales strategy, E-marketing, advertising strategy, Operational Strategy, statistical analysis (where applicable), implementation milestones, capital investment repayment analysis, Staff necessity, capital movement and economic projections of profitability, balance sheet and liquidity.

3 Existing business (legal or physical entity)- EB Package EB-A

From €550 +

It includes a collection of detailed information about your proposed business idea or processing of a particular business problem or sector and sustainability processing.


Package EBB

From €1400 +

·       It includes a collection of detailed information about your proposed business idea, full use of analytical tools and market data and competitor statistics. Economic projections and design of business strategies where necessary.


Documents of 10-15 pages printed in 2 copies and in electronic format, which includes the basic economic analysis of a new idea or problem. Proposed solutions in a specific sector or sectors of the business. (Where applicable).




Document 25-40 pages printed in 2 copies and in electronic form including, full analysis in all business parameters. Description of idea or problem, market and competition analysis, sales strategy, E-marketing, advertising strategy, Operational Strategy, statistical analysis (where applicable), implementation milestones, capital investment repayment analysis, staff necessity, capital movement and economic projections of profitability, balance sheet and liquidity. (anything else deemed necessary by the BP consultants).


All our Business Plans are built with a time horizon ranging up to 3 years (unless asked by the customer to create a longer plan), because the market today tends to change at a much faster pace than before, due to the dramatic development of digital technology and the way of communication and advertising through the digital media.