Our independent audit and assurance services are designed to ensure your business operates in the most effective and efficient manner and that your company always achieves its goals.

Our Services include preparing audited financial statements and financial advisory reporting, amongst others.

Our Audit & Assurance team comprises of individuals with extensive experience in this area who are licensed and certified members of ICPAC. The team is responsible for the preparation and presentation of audited financial statements (in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards) to the relevant tax Authorities, Banks and Registrar of Companies.

Our Services include:

  • Preparation of financial statements and consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (I.F.R.S).
  • Preparation of audit reports in accordance with the International Standards of Auditing.
  • Annual or biannual audit of accounts of Cyprus companies, based on the requirements of the Directors of the company.
  • Internal audit systems control of the company.
  • Detailed and targeted audit based on the client’s needs.
  • Other relevant services such as dispute services and limited reviews.