Our experienced and qualified team can act as your businesses’ in-house accounting department.

We can offer you any level of service that you need. From the complete management of your company’s bookkeeping and preparation of financial statements, to simply providing advice on ways to improve your internal procedures, we will ensure that we fully understand what you need and how best we can help you maximize your profits.

We use an electronic accounting program to record and maintain customer date for the preparation of financial statements and accounting data.

We can offer your business the following Services:

  • Maintaining relevant bookkeeping and archives with the online program.
  • Preparation of monthly / quarterly / 6 monthly / yearly accounts for management purposes (as required by the client).
  • Preparation of Profit & Loss statement and cash flow forecasts and budget estimates and financial reports.
  • Assistance in the set-up of an accounting system at the client’s offices.
  • Advice on ways to improve the internal financial procedures.


We can become your very own accounting department for;

  • Bookkeeping for V.A.T. purposes.
  • Preparation and submission of V.A.T. returns.
  • Analytical statements in chronological order on your customers and/or suppliers.
  • Preparing customer accounts due for payment and suppliers statements due to be paid.
  • Monthly reconciliation of customer, vendor and bank statements.
  • Other accounting-related services.